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Updated 06/25/2013


Miracle Jewelry

A Hill and Company (Birmingham) Ltd in England, began producing Miracle Jewelry in 1946 and they continue to do so today. Birmingham was the heart of the UK's jewelry-making industry and there is still a "Jewelry Quarter" there today with its own museum. They specialize in intricate antique-inspired Celtic, Irish and Scottish styles, plus many different English historical styles from Anglo-Saxon through Viking to Medieval and Baroque. Their use of colorful stones (often imitating semiprecious gemstones) against antiqued pewter and gold creates a striking contrast and allows the gems to be the center of attention. Another notable fact about Miracle jewelry is that many of the pieces are as detailed on the back as they are on the front.  From  January 16th, 2006 the company has been known as Miracle Jewelry Ltd.

You may also see Miracle pieces stamped with “Mizpah” on the back.  Mizpah chrome finished jewellery incorporating the library of original designs from Quarrier Ward and Ward Bros some of which go back over 100 years. Most are set mainly with Bohemian glass Amethyst and Cairngorm stones.

MIZPAH Jewellery is a particular type of Sentimental Sweetheart Jewellery, that is always inscribed with the term MIZPAH and sometimes also with the meaning of ‘Mizpah’ which is the Biblical Quote shown above, sometimes abbreviated to ‘Lord watch between me and thee when we are apart’.  The quote comes from the Genesis book of the Bible, Chapter 31, Verse 49 wherein it symbolizes a Watchpost or place of safety and sanctuary. This meaning has been translated over the ages into a belief that that Mizpah is an amulet of protection, particularly ensuring a safe return of a loved one.

The earliest Mizpah examples found today tend to be from the Mid Victorian Era and 1880s. In the early 1900s with the First World War Sweetheart Jewelry saw a renaissance and soldiers and their sweethearts often shared sentimental jewelry, such as Mizpah tokens with each other, with the hopes of protection and safety for their loved ones throughout the turbulent war years. Again in the 1940's and the Second World War era were times when Mizpah Jewellery was greatly treasured.